On August 21, 2020, in , by Francine Romesburg

A Special documentary – No Safe Spaces.  You Hace the Right to Remain Silent We were loaned this DVD and will be showing it Wednesday August 26, 2020.  With Adam […]

Steve Sandoval, Pastor, Author, Writer, Speaker, Founder of Freedom Quest America

On August 7, 2020, in , by Francine Romesburg

Hi All Constitutional Conservative Patriots Sorry, we regret Congressman Biggs will not be able to make this meeting.  He has a scheduling conflict that just came up only couple days […]

Nicole Garcia, Conservative Candidate for Phoenix City Council

On July 19, 2020, in , by Francine Romesburg

Come and meet Nicole Garcia, a very Conservative Candidate running for Phoenix City Council who is backed by Merissa Hamilton, strong Conservative running for Phoenix Mayor.  Merissa will be speaking […]

Merissa Hamilton, Candidate for Phoenix Mayor, former staff member for Sal DeCiccio & Director of Constituents

On July 18, 2020, in , by Francine Romesburg

Merissa Hamilton, former staff member for Council Sal D’Ciccio and Director of Constituents.  Very well versed in the going’s on of city of Phoenix, and the Constitution, and what is […]

Congressman Andy Biggs to speak at Grassroots Tea Party Activists

On June 24, 2020, in , by Francine Romesburg

We are extremely excited to have Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs be our speaker Wednesday August 12, 2020.  We have a 99.9% confirmation on this.  Carolyn doesn’t forsee anything to take […]

Josh Bartnett, CD 7 Candidate for US House of Representatives, Constitutional Candidate & Daniel McCarthy, Constitutional Candidate US Senate

On June 16, 2020, in , by Francine Romesburg

  DANIEL MCCARTHY A Double Hitter this Wednesday July 22, 2020.  2 Strong Constitutional Conservatives speaking at Grassroots Tea Party Activists.  Get your voting caps on and VOTE to preserve […]

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