Anthony Kern, LD 20 PC, Candidate for Re-Election Az House Rep & Linda Brickman, Upcoming Elections – You Can Make a Difference

On August 23, 2019, in , by Francine Romesburg

Wednesday Grassroots Tea Party Activists is proud to have as one of our speakers, Anthony Kern.  He is conservative, pro-family, firmly upholds the United States Constitution and works diligently to […]

Neil DeSanti, Candidate for Corporation Commission and Jana Jackson, Candidate for Az House LD 28

On August 23, 2019, in , by Francine Romesburg

Jana Jackson, PC in LD 28 running as a Candidate for Az House Representative.  Extreme strong Christian, Patriot, Constitutionalist and Conservative.  She is the kind of Candidate we all are […]

Daniel McCarthy, Businessman, Entrepreneur, Candidate for US Senate from Arizona

On August 22, 2019, in , by Francine Romesburg

Daniel McCarthy, Entrepreneur, Chief Executive Officer of 2 very successful businesses.  Delex Reality, Peoria Az, and MakeUp Eraser is a very strong candidate for US Senate. Daniel McCarthy exemplifies the […]

Ray Sweeney, 2nd Vice Chair Maricopa County GOP – Presentation: The Communist Movement in American Politics

On August 16, 2019, in , by Francine Romesburg

Ray Sweeney Ray is a real Activist.  Involved in may things in the GOP.  A Big PC (precinct Committeeman) recruiter, elected Member at Large in the Maricopa County GOP, is […]

Diane Douglas, Former Supertendent of Public Instruction

On August 13, 2019, in , by Francine Romesburg

Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction 2015-2018 Diane Douglas has always been passionate about the American education system and has been actively involved in Arizona’s education landscape for over twenty five […]

Pamela Anderson, Christian Minister, Pastor, Pima County Nat’l Chairman, Business Owner, Realtor, PC, Trump Campaign Volunteer Coordinator

On July 30, 2019, in , by Francine Romesburg

Pam has been in business for over 25 years in Tucson.  She is currently a Realtor working with her husband Bill in their own brokerage- Tucson Golf Estates.  She and […]

Congressman Andy Biggs –

On July 30, 2019, in , by Francine Romesburg

Date tb announced January or February 2020

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