Anthony Kern, Candidate for Az Senate, LD20, former Chair Rules Committee House Representatives

On June 29, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Anthony has served Arizona very well as the Rules Committee Chair in the House of Representatives.  He brought us good bills to vote on and stopped bad bills from going […]

Jim Lamon, Candidate for US Senate, Businessman, Founder & Chairman of DEPCOM in Arizona

On June 29, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Jim is a veteran himself, having served six years as an Army Officer, with three of those in Germany during the Cold War, where he saw the stark difference between […]

Michael Gibbs, ACDL, 10th Amendment Center, PC, State Committeeman, Physicist and Computer Scientist, and Engineer in aerospace industry

On June 29, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Michael will be focsing on the towers we see being set up all over.  Some of you already have 5g showing up on your phones/iphones and possibility networks.  This subject […]

Jana Jackson, Candidate for Az Senate, LD 28 – discussion/presentation on CRT (critical race theory)

On June 23, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Jana Jackson, an upcoming star in the Az House of Representatives.  She did an awesome job in the 2020 election.  Let’s all make sure she wins in 2022.  Arizona needs […]

Ashley Trussell, Co-Chair 2022 Az Life Coalition March & Rally, Pro-Life Advocate

On June 22, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

What is Az Life Coalition all about.  Well here it is in the nutshell. Unifying Arizona’s pro-life movement to provide life-affirming resources to those in need What We Do Arizona […]

Rabbi Lieberman, from Ashkelon, Isreal, teacher and teacher of the Word, a Comforter, healer, mentor, provider, and much more

On June 11, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Great Patriot of our Tea Party Marilyn Sloan travels to Israel every year.  This year she brings to us Rabbi Lieberman from Ashkelon, Israel to be our speaker November 10 […]

US Congressman Andy Biggs, our Guest Speaker, Fighting for our Country and Arizona, Election Integrity, our Borders, and much more.

On June 9, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Congressman Andy Biggs, Arizona native is currently serving his third term in U.S. House of Representatives, coming from Arizona’s Fifth District. He lives in Gilbert with his wife of 40 years, […]

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