Barbara Blewster, Patriot, Speaker, Legislative Liaison, JBS Leader, Constitutionalist, Former Az House Rep LD 1

On August 6, 2022, in , by Francine Romesburg

  Barbara Blewster Barbars is a very strong Constitutionalist, who is a former Arizona House Representative from old LD 1.  She is well versed in many subjects.  Barbara has been […]

Maasiai Montenegro, Regional Field Director West Valley of VAMOS

On August 4, 2022, in , by Francine Romesburg

L. Maasiai Montenegro Maasiai serves as the West Valley Regional Director for ¡Operation Vámos! Prior to Joining Operation Vámos, she served as a substitute teacher at a charter school for K-8th […]

Pierce Waychoff, LD 2 Candidate for Az House; Susan Black -LD 28, Candidate Az House, and Judge Gerald Williams, incumbant for North Valley Justice of the Peace

On June 10, 2022, in , by Francine Romesburg

PIERCE WAYCHOFF For the past two years, Arizonans have struggled to recover from the deep economic, educational, and social consequences of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. As a husband, father, and small […]

JIM LAMON, Candidate for US Senate in Arizona

On June 9, 2022, in , by Francine Romesburg

JIM LAMON Jim Lamon, The Smart people’s choice for Arizona US Senate. Jim Lamon, a True and Honest Conservative Christian who is running for Arizona US Senate seat.  A successful […]

Tiffany Shedd, Candidate for Attorney General; Jeff Weninger, Candidate for Az State Treasurer; Elijah Norton, Candidate for US House

On May 14, 2022, in , by Francine Romesburg

TIFFANY SHEDD Tiffany Shedd is a business owner and attorney who has gone toe to toe with the government, fighting regulations and policies that would destroy Arizona jobs. Tiffany grew […]

Clair van Steenwyk, Candidate Az Senate LD 28; Stacey Goodman, Author and former Long Island New York Detective who Worked the 911 disaster

On May 9, 2022, in , by Francine Romesburg

Clair Van Steenwyk is a former Radio Show host/Blog show host; a true Patriot, defender of the US Constitution; Former Candidate for various offices. Last time he ran for County […]

Carl Goldberg, Author, speaker, Lecturer, authority on Islamic faith, Teacher

On May 5, 2022, in , by Francine Romesburg

We just heard Dr. Goldberg speak at a debate w/Judhi Jasser.  Really awesome debate.  With everything going on in today’s world, and after listening to the debate, we felt it high […]

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