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Barbara Blewster – Secret Societies and Deep State
February 21, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm MST
FREE/Contributions greatly appreciated
We are pleased and honored to have as our Guest Speaker Barbara Blewster of the John Birch Society. She will be speaking at Denny’s Restaurant Meeting Room, 9030 N. Black Canyon Hwy, Access Road, Dunlap Ave exit off the I-17.
Barbara is always a delight to have speak for us. She is so knowledgeable in so many areas and has the most interesting subject matter. This Wednesday will be no different. She is putting together a talk on the subject matter of the Secret Societies and Deep State.
While many of us know, recognize and have heard of groups/organizations like The Bildebergs, Free Masons, Illuminati, The Skull and Bones, The Knights Templar, Elders of Zion, and more, what exactly do we all know about these organizations, who their members are, where they came from, why they were formed, etc.
Deep State existing within he United States. Does it? What is its purpose? Who belongs to it and why does it exist in our Country. Sure most of us know and understand the term ‘deep state’ refers a form of cabal coordinating efforts by government employees and others to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership. One such writer of info on Deep State is Michael Wolff. If that name sounds familiar it’s because he wrote the book Fire & Fury totally putting down President Donald Trump.
Wednesday, Feb 21, will prove to be a fascinating and informative fun evening.