Brad Heward is doing a presentation on a. more informal basis on Matrix of Frauds: Conclusion is Treason. He puts a lot of time and research into all these topics. He will have handouts of his Agenda in more detail plus another handout listing quite a lot of websites providing the info that goes into this Matrix.
It is a very thorough listing and should provide a very interesting discussion. Get your thinking caps on and keep them on to pass onto others so they get educated and woken up to what is going on in this Country.
Topics for discussion from the presentation are:
Look forward to seeing you there Wednesday night. It will be good! Have a great weekend. Pass the word onto others on the topics we¹re going to be discussing.
Don’t know how far we’ll get with all these – What I am sure of it will make for a very interesting evening!
See ya’ll there at Denny’s Wed Sept 19, 6 pm. meeting starts 6:30 pm.