We are extremely luck to have and present Dave Jose here with us talking/discussing our Court System and CPS corruption – Human Trafficking. You CAN help.
When God gives you the power, the wisdom, and the gift to speak out. You find your place in life with ability to help others. I know of a few select people who have this ability. Yet they are helping so many others gain to courage to stand up and fight for what is right. Meet David Jose. A powerful speaker who has helped open my eyes to the real things that are going on in life. How deceptive these building are. Are those really courthouses or are they really administrative businesses… Are you sure thats a real Article 3 judge up there or is it just an administrative clerk ,performing administrative duties, calling administrative hearings, and administrating your uniquely created biological property… Search YouTube for: DaveCaresForYou
This is from the Event for The People held by Josh Barnett, Candidate for US Senate 2020.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is not legal advice. I do not hold to all of the beliefs of any man or woman. I do not eat up the entire plate, nor do I throw the baby out with the bathwater! I promote love, not hate! I do not get caught up in the political stage, etc. that conquer & divides and distracts us from going inside to step into our own Divine power as the infinite souls we are to be the change we want to see in the world! Any information that I share is for educational purposes to wake people up to the corruption that exists in our world, concerning the trafficking of our families, in the hopes that I will help to raise the vibrations of this planet by empowering people impacted by this type of deep trauma, in love! Everyone should use their own conscience to further research all information for yourself. We have the power to move mountains, so let’s build up our spiritual muscles & mount up on wings like eagles! Namaste! RESOURCES ORIGINAL VIDEO Link David Jose at Josh Barnett Due Process event held for the People!!!: