Mark Finchem
We are very excited to have Representative Mark Finchem and current Nominee for Arizona Secretary of State speak Wednesday September 14, 2022.
Mark has been extremely instrumental in getting important bills passed as well as being a major a proponent of the Arizona Forensic Audit. Even while campaigning he has been extremely instrumental in working on, advising, and getting Election Integrity Bills introduced and passed.
Mark is steadily working for the people of Arizona especially to ensure we have safe and secure elections in the future including the upcoming November 8 General Election. He knows what it takes and what to look for to ensure we pass good Election Integrity Bills to stop the illegal mailin ballots; eliminate drop boxes, and stop ballot harvesting.
Mark is an extremely strong Trump supporter as well as being endorsed by Trump. Mark is leading the vanguard of the biggest grassroots movement of the millennium Election Integrity.
Mark has a background in investigation process and a former criminal investigator, first responder, and business owner with a Six-Sigma Certification. This is important because it is the key to understanding what happened in Maricopa. Investopedia defines the Six Sigma Certification as follows:
The name Six Sigma has its origins in a statistical method of modeling a manufacturing process that is as free as possible of errors or defects. In statistics, six sigma indicates a likelihood of 3.4 defects per million things produced. This is the ultimate level to strive for, ensuring error-free delivery of a product 99.99966% of the time.
Six Sigma training, therefore, focuses on the development of management processes that reliably lead to virtually defect-free results in manufacturing or in any business activity. It uses a number of statistical and data analysis tools to reach its objective.
Mark will be a great Secretary of State in that he stood up for the Forensic Audit by putting together a hearing that allowed evidence to be brought to light. His efforts along with the work of true PATRIOTS allowed us to move forward and get the audit that WE THE PEOPLE deserve! This isn’t just Arizona’s Audit. This is AMERICA’S Audit!
Mark believes Each and every one of us have a God-Given right for our voices to be heard in this great country. This requires INTEGRITY and TRANSPARENCY of the ballot!
Mr. Finchem served 21 years as a Public Safety Officer providing emergency medical, fire suppression and law enforcement services. During much of his career in the Public Safety Department, Mr. Finchem was also a rancher living in the small hamlet of Delton Michigan. Upon retirement he moved to Tucson, Arizona.
Mark is now a REALTOR in Northwest Tucson, who has built a highly rated, very successful residential real estate sales practice, receiving high marks from organizations including Angie’s List and from many discriminating clients.
Rep. Finchem introduced a line of constitutionally sound bills including a gold and silver bullion “legal tender”, state level protection of public rights-of-way, repeal and replacement of Common Core and a state treasurers payment consolidation bill to streamline consumer interactions, reduce cost and improve efficiency.
A best description of Rep Finchem would be a man dedicated to serving God first; 2nd the rights of man and family. He is a Constitutionalist who’s favorite USSC opinion language comes from Norton -v- Shelby County 118 us 425 442, 25 MAR 1886, “An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.”
Representative Finchem shared at CPAC with the Epoch Times:
So earlier in January 2021, the Democrat members of the House and Senate sent a letter to the Department of Justice and the FBI accusing Mark of high treason, sedition, planning an insurrection, the overthrow of our government, all patently absurd fallacious claims, but then they turned around and sent it to the media as though it was factual. Well in that, they committed malice.
Please welcome Rep Mark Finchem, Nominee for Secretary of State on the Nov 8 General Election Ballot; Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at iHop, 4201 W. Bell Rd., Phoenix, Arizona. Doors open at 6 pm; start time is 6:30 pm with speaker at 7 pm.
Look forward to seeing y’ll there!