Liz Harris, Business Owner; Leader/Activist of the Arizona Audit of 2020 Election, PC in LD 17; Former Candidate for Az House

On May 28, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Liz is from LD 17.  A true Patriot and Advocate for the Truth!  She fights for what is right. Liz has been an absolute driving force behind the Audit in Arizona […]

Jess Meirs, Grassroots Trainer, w/Americans for Prosperity Foundation – What is the Filibuster Rule/What does it really mean?

On May 28, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Jess Mears, a Grassroots Trainer in the Education & Training Dept of Americans for Prosperity under American for Prosperity Foundation reached out to me asking if they can come and […]

Lance Hurley, Minister, Author, Actor, Historian, Activist: Our Country, Our Politics, Our Bible – How they all come together!

On May 18, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

DR. LANCE HURLEY Wednesday June 23, 2021 we excitedly welcome Dr. Lance Hurley to our Grassroots Tea Party Activists.  He is always a welcome guest.  Wednesday, he will come to speak […]

Merissa Hamilton & Lisa Blankenship – EZ Action-Civics Made Easy

On May 8, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Merissa Hamilton was a former staff member for Council Sal D’Ciccio and Director of Constituents.  Merissa also ran for Mayor of the City of Phoenix in the 2020 election.  Merissa […]

Merissa Hamilton & Lisa Blanken…..

On May 8, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Barbara Blewster, Speaker, JBS leader; Legislation Liason; Nullification

On May 7, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Barbara will be speaking on Nullification.  We will discuss what is Nullification, why do we need nullication, what is its importance to our governmental system. We can find out Barbara’s […]

Clair (Van) Steenwyk, Candidate for Az Senate LD 22, Radio Host, Patriot, Freedom Fighter,

On May 5, 2021, in , by Francine Romesburg

Van is extremely well versed on the US and Az constitution.  He is well versed in a variety of subjects.  He is married to a great gal Jean and live […]

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